Court strikes down sex registration requirement

A California appellate court has again struck down a requirement that ____ ____ ____, a well-known Redding man who often ran for elected office and who was sentenced to prison in 2013 for stalking a woman, register as a sex offender for life.

In its June 30 ruling, the Third District Court of Appeal, which once again upheld his stalking conviction, reversed ____ ____ ____’s sex offender registrant requirement. Full Article


2015 Opinion

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So he has a history of doing this to multiple WOMEN and served time in prison, but I’m the one who gets to miss out on all my nephews milestones in school and can’t travel after doing 60 days in county and probation. That’s a fine system there, Lou. The fact that registration is this fought over, sure as hell shows how much of a damn punishment it is.

When the hell is SCOTUS, or at least any other federal court, going to reevaluate the whole damn thing? I’m tried of living in constant fear of losing my job or worse when I’m now a “free” man.

Sorry for the language, but I think everything has the same frustration with all of this.

“The defense attorney has argued the sex offender registration requirement was not justified because the defendant never threatened or made any sexual advances toward the woman.”

I wish that was the minimum standard that had to be proven during trial.

finally a judge that didn’t cave to anything sex-offender

How stupid these laws are. The law says if he was stalking her with intent to merely mug or murder or scare the heck out of her, there is no need for him to be on a list to be watched, no matter how compulsive the behavior is or how frightened it makes the victim. The law shows an extreme sexophobia bias, and sends the message that harassing women is not that bad as long as no sexual urge is proven.

Sex is a sin and you’ll all have a GPS strapped to your pecker soon. get a boner and go to jail.

290.006 is one of the most stupid parts of the sex offender law itself. Why not just SPECIFY exact penal codes that require registration?

oh I guess the ole intent crap was not good enough , it was good enough to get me put away for 5 years on a 9 year beef , there was no attempt or anything like that in my case , just the prosecutor saying why I was there , the sign said For RENT , not someone still lives here , oh well maybe sometime I will run it all down . but after this many years I am sick of telling how stupid I am ,

I am serious here if an individual is hooked up to one of the mentioned pecker checkers to see if he is excited to photos of minors does it work if the person has severe ED. Just because his machine is out of order does not mean the person still could be a sexual criminal . He might be old but the guy ain’t dead .